Thursday, March 7, 2013

We Stand Together Fact #9

Hi Sheena,
Thanks for choosing to stand together! Here is Daily Fact #9:
There are over 50 First Nations languages in Canada.

Click the image to watch the video, or click here to download
Share this fact to educate others, then join the discussion on Facebook or on Twitter (@FreeTheChildren and @MAboriginalEdu) using #westandtogether. At the end of the campaign, create your own Daily Fact and share it with Free The Children and MAEI here.
Remember, there are also issues backgrounders, lesson plans and other great resources on the We Stand Together Resources webpage!

This vignette was filmed with the W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) Nation, in British Columbia. Their traditional language is called SENĆOŦEN, and is endangered. The W̱SÁNEĆ School Board, together with the FirstVoices program for revitalizing Aboriginal languages, is working to teach a new generation to speak SENĆOŦEN.

1. In the video, it is said that there are only eight people who speak SENĆOŦEN very well (there are about 1750 people living in the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation communities). Why do you think that is?
2. The SENĆOŦEN language is endangered. What impacts would losing their language have on the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation? What would it (or does it) mean to you to no longer speak the language your parents or grandparents speak?
3. In the video, people talk about the pride and the wisdom that go along with speaking your traditional language. What does that mean to you? How does a language help connect you to your culture?
4. Technology is helping to keep SENĆOŦEN alive. In what ways is it helping, according to the video?
5. At the end of the video, it is said that there are ways that we can all work together as a country to help make Canada a better place. What are some ways we can use language and technology to do that?

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