Monday, June 25, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Five: Signing March 4 Justice Petition with Six Days to Go

Tonight I am on facebook and I find Leo and Ashley's facebook page under March 4 Justice. I apply to join their group, then I go to the link and click. I fill in the fields and I can't quite believe I've just completed an on-line petition all on my own.

Leo is a young man from Ontario who wants to change the governance of the Indian Act. He is marching with his friend Ashley from Vancouver to Ottawa, with the Indian Act chained to his ankle in protest of the bondage the Indian Act has brought to First Nations people. I remember back when I first realized that the Indian Act is not treaty; the Indian Act is broken treaty.

Victoria and I heard Leo and Ashley share their story in Saskatoon at the Truth and Reconciliation Hearing last Saturday morning. Ashley spoke first. He told a bit about his life as a young man, losing his dad. Ashley explained how he had to choose forgiveness and of his decision to follow the sacred teachings. Leo spoke second. He directly referenced a speaker he'd heard the evening before who'd skirted the issues. Applause exploded from the audience. I wasn't taking notes, and I wish I had because these young men spoke with such clarity and passion of purpose; they are leaders I plan to follow and learn from them. But maybe what touched me most was their humility of spirit. They are marching for something bigger than themselves, and that's the kind of leadership I trust.

After Leo and Ashley finished speaking, the audience rose to their feet clapping. The young men came off the stage and stood at the front of the auditorium where audience members lined up to shake their hands and speak with them. Victoria, our friend Sharon, and I shook Ashley, then Leo's hands. We spoke briefly and I promised to promote their cause within my circle of influence.

So, friends, family, and neighbours, please check out Leo and Ashley's March 4 Justice. . Sign their petition. Make friends on facebook. Follow them as they drag the Indian Act to Ottawa. Follow them as they model humble, service-based leadership. I know I will be following.

Top Sixth Reason Why I Love Treaty Walks: Meeting amazing people, Like Leo and Ashley, who are on their own treaty walks.

1 comment:

  1. wow very nice write up of leo and ash....thank you for sharing their march 4 justice link. i watched the video of both of them talking at the TRC. i am so proud of them...what i didn't see was when the crowd stood up to shake their hands...thank you for sharing
